Five Paul Bragg’s Exercises to Restore Spine
The below exercises were developed by Paul Bragg, a famous naturopath. It consists of five basic exercises, which influence different regions of the spine. You should make all of them in one session. You can rest between the exercises.
Exercise 1. This exercise applies specifically to the upper region of the spine, where the nerves that affect head, eye, stomach and intestine muscles go. This exercise will reduce headache, eye strain, indigestion and poor assimilation.
Original stance: Lie face down on the floor. Remain in this position; put your hands under your chest and feet shoulder width apart. Now, slowly, lift your pelvis up resting on hands and toes with the back highly arched. Your pelvis should be higher than the head. The head is down and legs and arms are straight.
Then, drop the pelvis almost to the floor keeping elbows and knees stiff. Such position keeps the spine especially tense. Now, raise your head and throw it back.
Don’t be fast when doing this exercise. Try to lower the pelvis as much as possible and raise it up to the highest point with your back arched. The exercise is in your dropping and raising the pelvis thus arching and flexing the spine. Such motions aid spine stretching and correct placement of the vertebrae.
Repeat the exercise 2 – 4 times when you start. With time increase the number of repeats to 8 – 12.
If you train this exercise and do this motion correctly, you will feel relief and relaxation of your spine.
Exercise 2.. This exercise is mostly for the spine region comprising the nerves controlling liver, gall bladder, and kidneys. The exercise may bring relief in case of their disorders or diseases. It will help to improve suppressed liver, gall bladder, kidneys, and urinary bladder.
This exercise starts in the same position as Exercise 1. When you raised your pelvis up and arched your back, do the following: swing the pelvis to the left as far as possible lowering the left side as much as possible, and then to the right. Keep elbows and knees stiff. Do the exercise slowly and smoothly. Imagine that with each turn your spine stretches more and more. A combination of spine stretching and swinging helps the vertebrae to “set” in their correct position.
At first, you will find this motion rather complicated and tiring. Limit the repeats to 2 – 4. With time it will be easier to do, due to muscular development and strengthening of spinal nerves.
Increase the repeats to 8 – 12 with time.
This exercise is rather difficult and requires significant skills and effort.
Exercise 3. Previous exercises provided rather significant strain to the spine muscles and ligaments. This Exercise 3 aims at removing residual strength and entire spine relaxation. The exercise stimulates every nerve center. In addition the pelvic region is relieved.
One of the important features of this exercise is its ability to strengthen those muscles of the spine that retain its elongated position thus helping the restoration of the intervertebral cartilage.
Original stance: Sit down on the floor; rest on your straight arms located slightly behind; bend your legs. Then, raise the pelvis up bringing it to the position when you are resting on the flats of your straight arms and bent legs. We recommend to do the exercise fast to relax the spine. Raise your body until your spine is in horizontal position then return to the initial position.
Repeat 6 – 8 times when you start and 12 – 18 with time.
Exercise 4. This exercise is designed to bring particular force to the spine region where the nerves controlling the stomach are located. It is also effective for the entire spine contributing to its stretching. It is the stretching of the spine that releases trapped nerve roots of the spinal cord thus bringing the whole body to normal, working and healthy condition.
Original stance: Lie down on the floor on your back, hands at sides. Bend knees and bring to chest with arms around. Now, move as if you want to pull the knees and thighs against the chest holding them at the chest. At the same time, raise your head and try to touch the chin to the knees. Hold this position for 3 – 5 seconds.
This exercise provides a sharp push that stretches the spine thereby removing minor trappings between the vertebrae.
In addition, this exercise allows you to strengthen not only the abdominal muscles, but also the deep muscles in the abdominal region of the spinal column.
Repeat the exercise 2 – 4 times.
Exercise 5.. Walking on fours. Paul Bragg considers this exercise to be one of the most important for spine stretching. Among other things, it includes the region of the spine where the nerves controlling the large bowel come out.
Start as in Exercise 1. Stand on your fours: elbows and knees stiff, arched back, pelvis up, head down. Now, walk around the room in the same position (on all fours). Keep your legs and arms straight while walking. Such motion minimize the load to the spine and the spine is twisted somehow. This position is the best for the spine stretching and placing its discs into proper places.
Paul Bragg recommends doing the above exercises considering individual abilities of each person. tart with 2 – 3 repetitions of each exercise. In a day you may increase the repetitions to five times and more.
In several days your muscles will become stronger and the spine and ligaments will become more flexible. A normally strong person will find it easy to do each exercise 10 – 12 times in some days.
As for the frequency, Bragg recommends doing this set of exercises every day. After necessary improvements of the spine, reduce the training to two times per week. It will be enough to keep the spine flexible and stretched.
According to the foregoing, a week is sufficient for the spine improvements to start. In 2 – 3 weeks they become constant.
Keep in mind that pathological changes of the spine took years, so you cannot correct everything in a day. Be patient and persistent. Permanent training of the spine will stimulate the restoration and growth of cartilage thus making the spine stretched, flexible and healthy.